
Basic Tuning

Cost: $160 + tax / 1.5 hours

Pianos go out of tune mostly due to seasonal changes in humidity and temperature.  A piano needs regular tuning just like a car needs regular oil changes. 

It is recommended to have your piano tuned every 6 months if played frequently, and every year if played infrequently. 

A basic piano tuning is for regular customers who get their pianos tuned once or twice a year.

Pitch Raise and Tuning

Cost: $190  + tax / 2 hours

If your piano has not been tuned for 3 or more years, your piano’s strings will have collectively lost significant tension.  First, the strings must collectively be brought back to proper tension, and then the piano can be tuned accurately and with stability. 

A full-service pitch raise and tuning includes the pitch adjustment and a two-pass tuning. 

Service and Repair

Cost: $75 + tax / hour

Piano strings sometimes break.  A key may get stuck or just won’t play at all.  A pencil may be lodged in the action. Perhaps a part becomes unglued.  Maybe the pedal is not engaging correctly, or is noisy. A damper is not silencing the string completely.  A bass string may be rattling.   Making a few repairs can make a world of difference in your playing experience.   

Does your piano feel heavy, sluggish, or stiff?  The touch of your piano can be greatly improved by regulation of the action (the mechanical part). Fine regulation allows the piano’s moving parts to function optimally.

Does your piano sound too loud, harsh, metallic or bright? Reshaping and reconditioning the hammer heads through a voicing process can dramatically change the tone of your piano for the better.